The Ultimate Beginner Camera in 2023?! | Canon EOS R50 Review OFFICIAL

Hey there, it's me, a photographer and a Canon Explorer of Light. I'm thrilled to finally talk about the newly launched Canon EOS R50. At the WPPI conference, I had the chance to get my hands on this camera and photograph a model at the Canon Booth setup. It was an excellent setup with Mylar, and I also had the opportunity to photograph with Sanjay for one of the budget photography gear shootouts.
I don't like to talk about cameras that I've never used before, and I'm just reading specs. But, now that I have the camera in my hands, I can form an opinion. Overall, I think this camera is an updated version of the Canon M50 Mark II. It's a similar size and price point. The EOS R50 has interchangeable lenses and takes the RF mount, and the appropriate lens for this camera is the RF 50 millimeter 1.8, which is under $200.
The EOS R50 has a 24.2-megapixel APS-C sensor, so it is a crop sensor, similar to the R7 and the R10. However, it's not quite on the same level as those cameras. The camera shoots 4K uncropped video at up to 30 FPS, oversampled from 6K. It also has Dual Pixel CMOS autofocus 2, which makes it fast. However, it's not quite as advanced as some of the other Canon cameras in the mirrorless lineup.
The camera shoots up to 15 FPS electronic and up to 12 FPS electronic first curtain shutter. Although it's not super fast, it can keep up with your kids, and you can shoot longer than 30 minutes with this camera. It also has UVC live streaming, which allows you to plug it directly into your computer and start live streaming. The autofocus has deep learning technology, and subject detection, and makes focusing much easier.
One of the best things about these mirrorless cameras is that autofocus is not taking up your entire brain power when you're photographing. It's not something that you have to worry about anymore. You can concentrate on other factors, like talking to the people in front of you or vlogging. This camera is great for vlogging, and I think it's meant to be for that purpose.
All in all, I'm excited about this camera. Canon has done a great job with it. Thanks for reading! Don't forget to check out Squarespace, the platform where you can create beautiful custom websites in just a few minutes.